The Face Behind the scene

A person with a New Idea is a Crank until the Idea succeeds, Mark Twain.

I lived in 4 continents, perfected 8 languages, had a promising career in Journalism for 8 years, until i was introduced to the Industry by my Tourism mentor Dr. Osmane Aidi in 2003.

Worked in Chamtour Syria- Damascus  2003-2011

Worked in Gartour Italy- Rome 2012 – 2016

Worked in Destination Italia  Italy- Rome 2017-2018 

Established Gtour Travel & Events Germany- Stuttgart  2019

After accumulating in depth knowledge of the markets of my speciality in the last 20+ years, i decided to gather a passionate professional team, combining it with the force of our international networking and committed clients data base to launch an Exclusive B2B Tourism Platform that creates opportunities, connects businesses, curates projects , consults on destinations in 20+ countries of our expertise.

Gtour, An innovative performance in Tourism!

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