Create | Connect | Curate
Gtour is an Exclusive B2B Tourism Platform that connect businesses, create opportunities, curate projects , consult on destinations in 20 countries of our expertise.
An innovative performance in Tourism!
Gtour’s commitment is to respect every client’s culture, values & needs; combining it with quality to provide the highest professional services in Tourism Modern Industry.
We conduct our unique services with integrity, honesty and transparency, respecting the traveling safety measures, complying with the international laws and respecting the environmental sustainability.
Gtour stands for
- Creating sustainable business ideas and opportunities.
- Connecting the best industry professionals globally.
- Working Exclusively with our 20 selected destinations to provide quality opportunities for all parties.
Gtour known for
- Supporting to boost performances in managing Change and conquer an unknown frontier for our clients.
- Helping to navigate through the complexities of the new targeted business, by providing with the responsive strategies essential for lasting success.
- Believing in deep collaboration and cross-pollination with clients, which allow us to create an innovative business cases in a way that others cannot.
Gtour trusted for
- Contributing positively in client’s long-term success cases.
- We don’t settle for anything less than excellence in every client case our company handles, and we have the self-honesty to admit when we’re wrong and the courage to change.
- We participate only in markets and projects where we can make a significant contribution.
- We believe in simplicity, not in complexity.
These are Gtour’s core values that forms its DNA.
Gtour have Europe Office, based in Stuttgart-Germany and Asia Office based in Beijing-China.
These offices play a vital role in consolidating Gtour’s Exclusive Tourism Platform performance towards our Global clients.
Gtour Your B2B Tourism Platform
Create | Connect | Curate